Types of devices for self-treatment of prostatitis.

Prostatitis is exactly the disease that awaits one in three men between 20 and 50 years old. Medicine has a wide arsenal of means and methods to treat this pathology. One of them is a device for the treatment of prostatitis.

Who can benefit from a prostatitis treatment device?

prostatitis in men

Men are reluctant to consult a doctor for genitourinary problems

Very often, representatives of the stronger sex strive to find treatment methods in a calm home environment. Therefore, first of all, they pay attention to traditional medicine, proven drugs and devices for the treatment of prostatitis.

But before you start self-medicating, you should know that there are two main reasons for the development of prostatitis:

  • Poor circulation in the pelvic area;
  • Bacterial infection.

A device for the treatment of prostatitis is guaranteed to help in two cases:

  • If the cause of the disease lies in poor circulation in the pelvic area;
  • If the disease is in an early stage of development.

In all other cases, an integrated approach is required. If prostatitis is bacterial, appropriate drug therapy is carried out. As concomitant treatment, it is possible to take herbal medications. With this approach, the use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis at home will be effective.

It is worth noting that regardless of the device chosen, healing procedures must be carried out regularly. Using the device from time to time is useless. All manufacturers of this equipment directly warn this.

Contraindications to the use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis.

Devices that affect the genitourinary area are not a toy. These are physiotherapeutic devices whose use cannot be ineffective. The prostate will always be affected. Therefore, there are contraindications to the use of devices to restore men's health.

normal and diseased prostate
  1. Complications of hemorrhoids;
  2. Open wounds in the affected area;
  3. Oncological processes in the prostate, bladder or rectum;
  4. Bleeding disorders;
  5. Concretions (stones) in the prostate ducts;
  6. Exacerbations of diseases of the genitourinary system.

When self-medicating at home, the person themselves makes the decision to use this or that remedy. He is responsible for his own decisions.Before proceeding with the procedures, it is necessary to read the manufacturer's instructions. This requirement applies to all medical devices.

Types of devices for the treatment of prostatitis.

All modern devices designed to affect the prostate belong to one of three groups:

  • Rectal;
  • Non-invasive;
  • Transurethral.

The therapeutic effect can be achieved by different types of exposure:

  • Ultrasonic;
  • Mangit-pulse;
  • Vibration stimulant;
  • Electropulse.

Any device, regardless of the type of effect, eliminates congestion in the prostate. They are caused by a number of reasons, as a result of which a secretion, also called "prostate juice", gradually accumulates in the prostate.

During urological finger massage, the process of squeezing out secretions and improving blood circulation occurs. In this way congestion is eliminated. You can get the same effect yourself using an effective device for restoring men's health at home.

The range of medical devices includes many models of prostate massage devices. Judging by the reviews, domestic ones are no worse than expensive imported ones, since these devices do not have complex designs and electronic circuits.

Rectal devices for the treatment of prostatitis are designed in such a way that it is as convenient as possible to massage the prostate through the anus. Minimally invasive ones are intended for external exposure through the skin.

Transurethral device series.

The devices belong to the group of transurethral devices. The principle of operation is based on the action of an electrical impulse. Prostate massage is performed using special catheter electrodes.

The devices are designed to treat prostate diseases and help in more advanced cases. The developers of these devices adhered to the fundamental principle of purulent medicine: first remove pus, and then treat.

Models and principles of operation of electrical stimulation devices.

In chronic prostatitis, obstruction of the excretory ducts of the gland is observed. In some cases, there are purulent microabscesses. To eliminate the manifestations of this pathology, devices with various modifications were developed: "3", "3P", "4", "4F", "5", "5E", "5P", "5A". These devices are distinguished by functions such as:

  • Maximum air vacuum in the catheter;
  • Maximum vacuum in the phallomassage glass;
  • The ability to perform, in addition to urethral, rectal exposure.

All other parameters are the same:

  • Session duration 10-15 minutes;
  • The maximum amplitude of the stimulating pulses is 110 mA.

Devices "3P" and "5P" have distinctive properties: they provide the effect of electrophoresis with a maximum current of 1 mA and provide the possibility of rectal electrical stimulation. Models "4" and "5A", in addition to electrical stimulation of the prostate, perform vacuum drainage of its ducts. This promotes faster removal of stagnant products.

The use of these devices in combination with pharmacological treatment allows positive results to be achieved in a short period of time.The devices can be used for self-treatment of chronic prostatitis in a non-acute form.

Physiotherapeutic device: characteristics and application.

The physiotherapeutic device provides effective assistance not only in the prevention of prostatitis. According to clinical trials, pronounced improvements are noted after several exposure sessions and in chronic prostatitis.

The functioning of the urinary system is normalized and potency is restored.

The device is harmless, painless and very effective. With daily use for 14-15 days, stable improvements are seen in more than 90% of men. The operation of the device is based on three principles of influence:

  • Magnetic;
  • Thermal;
  • Vibration.

These three types of influence reinforce each other during the operation of the device. The action of the device is aimed at activating blood circulation in the pelvic area. The device consists of a rectal nozzle and a control unit. Before using the device, you should read the manufacturer's instructions and familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

Electromagnetic device: characteristics and application.

The device has a simple design. It consists of a control unit and a nozzle connected to each other by an electrical cable. The device is rectal type; To ensure an effect on the prostate, the nozzle is inserted into the anus. The control panel contains device operation indicators:

  • Green: the device is on;
  • Red – the device is defective;
  • Yellow: the device is turned off.

The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the device for 3 thousand hours. Prostam prostate massager has three types of effects:

  • Magnetic;
  • Vibromassage;
  • Heating.

The maximum heating temperature of the rectal nozzle is 35°C. Recommended for use in the following pathological processes:

  • Urethritis;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • adenoma;
  • Erectile dysfunction.

Transrectal triple exposure eliminates pain and relieves inflammation. The recommended course for the prevention of prostatitis is 9 procedures lasting 10 to 15 minutes. Before using the device, it is recommended to consult a urologist.

Vacuum device: features and application

Healthy lifestyle experts recommend that men pay attention to the state of their reproductive system. The most important role is played by the prostate, the organ that produces seminal fluid. Diseases of the gland are fraught with urination disorders, pain and the development of more serious complications.

You can normalize the condition of the prostate using home physiotherapy procedures. For these purposes a vacuum apparatus has been developed.

This is one of the oldest devices, as it was first released a long time ago, but it has not yet lost its relevance.

This device was developed for use in the space industry, hence its name "space. "It successfully passed all the tests and gradually gained popularity among urologist patients. Currently, the device has been modernized: the design of the power supply and packaging has been changed.

The device is intended for the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men caused by vascular diseases, poor lifestyle and excess weight.When exposed to the device, the following occurs:

  • Blood circulation is activated, which ensures the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the prostate cells;
  • Lymphatic flow is activated, which ensures the removal of stagnant products from the gland.

As a result of using the device, the risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system is reduced and the general well-being of a man improves. The device is a combined action device of vacuum and vibration massage. The low-frequency rarefied field has an anti-edematous and analgesic effect.

Vacuum helps improve blood supply to the prostate and penis. The man recovers full erectile function.

As with other devices for the treatment of prostatitis, independent use of the Apollo Soyuz device requires prior consultation with a urologist. If you do not want to visit the clinic, you should carefully read the operating instructions included with the device.